Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Parli Italiano?

Oggi volevo scrivere in Italiano, so che non sono ancora molto brava, ma devo provare! L'ultima volta sul questo blog, ho scritto che gli amici sono importante, e poi, il nostro amico Lauro ha fatto una bella cosa per noi; un sito italiano per La Fiaba. E' veramente un grande amico!

Clicca sul questo link per vedere il nostro agriturismo con cavalli.

Passagiata sulle colline di Volterra

Shetland Pony - Jonny!
Cavalla Irlandese - Ruby

Haflinger - Wilma
Selle Francese - Vif

Per chi vuole un agriturismo con maneggio in Toscana, La Fiaba insieme con Belmonte offriamo vacanze, giornata trekking a cavallo e lezioni per tutti.

Abbiamo anche: Piscina, calcio, volley, tennis, mountain bikes, 'il bagnino' (laghetto termale naturale)....e di piĆ¹!

Una vacanza perfetta per tutta la famiglia


Monday, December 20, 2010

All About Friends

View over our land and the trails

Today I just wanted to give a mention to my wonderful family and friends, who have helped me so much with setting up this new business. If it wasn't for them helping me out by; loaning me tack, getting me discounts, going to see horses for me, helping me with advertising as well as lending an ear when I need to unload the latest saga, I don't think I would have even made it this far!

As it is thanks to all these wonderful people in my life I am able to live my dream of running my own horse riding holiday centre, in Tuscany of all places!

These past couple of weeks have been extra tough with the cold weather and snow meaning more delays on transport from Ireland which is incredibly frustrating. However, I'm really looking forward to the new year when two new horses will be arriving. There is another Irish cob on the way as well as a young Irish Sports Horse from top showjumping lines.

Before the snow arrived we were in the process of setting up a small cross country course, with a view to making a 'real' course in the future. The land is perfect for it, a good mix of forest and open land, with lots of natural jumps already. I would love to set up a cross country clinic in the future, if anyone would be interested in this do let me know. Maybe even an introduction to eventing course if we could get some good guest instructors in for the week.

I've got so many ideas for this place and it has unlimited potential. Unfortunately I don't have unlimited funds or time to get it all done so, piano, piano as we say here.

Right I'm off to get some work done, ciao!

Friday, December 10, 2010

San Vivaldo (Video)

Today had an amazing ride out to San Vivaldo, through the forest again. Managed not to get lost at all today, so that was a bonus! Had some good company today; Elsa & Chief the trotter. We rode through the Pian delle Querce to the monastery of San Vivaldo, which is known as the Jerusalem of Tuscany. The place had such an eerie serenity to it, it was quite surreal. Sharing the peace and quiet of the forest, and then ending up in a man made area of peace was just perfect. Coming back to Iano we also managed to have a good gallop across a field which the horses really seemed to enjoy (and the riders too of course!). Hope you enjoy the video!