Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Parli Italiano?

Oggi volevo scrivere in Italiano, so che non sono ancora molto brava, ma devo provare! L'ultima volta sul questo blog, ho scritto che gli amici sono importante, e poi, il nostro amico Lauro ha fatto una bella cosa per noi; un sito italiano per La Fiaba. E' veramente un grande amico!

Clicca sul questo link per vedere il nostro agriturismo con cavalli.

Passagiata sulle colline di Volterra

Shetland Pony - Jonny!
Cavalla Irlandese - Ruby

Haflinger - Wilma
Selle Francese - Vif

Per chi vuole un agriturismo con maneggio in Toscana, La Fiaba insieme con Belmonte offriamo vacanze, giornata trekking a cavallo e lezioni per tutti.

Abbiamo anche: Piscina, calcio, volley, tennis, mountain bikes, 'il bagnino' (laghetto termale naturale)....e di piĆ¹!

Una vacanza perfetta per tutta la famiglia


Monday, December 20, 2010

All About Friends

View over our land and the trails

Today I just wanted to give a mention to my wonderful family and friends, who have helped me so much with setting up this new business. If it wasn't for them helping me out by; loaning me tack, getting me discounts, going to see horses for me, helping me with advertising as well as lending an ear when I need to unload the latest saga, I don't think I would have even made it this far!

As it is thanks to all these wonderful people in my life I am able to live my dream of running my own horse riding holiday centre, in Tuscany of all places!

These past couple of weeks have been extra tough with the cold weather and snow meaning more delays on transport from Ireland which is incredibly frustrating. However, I'm really looking forward to the new year when two new horses will be arriving. There is another Irish cob on the way as well as a young Irish Sports Horse from top showjumping lines.

Before the snow arrived we were in the process of setting up a small cross country course, with a view to making a 'real' course in the future. The land is perfect for it, a good mix of forest and open land, with lots of natural jumps already. I would love to set up a cross country clinic in the future, if anyone would be interested in this do let me know. Maybe even an introduction to eventing course if we could get some good guest instructors in for the week.

I've got so many ideas for this place and it has unlimited potential. Unfortunately I don't have unlimited funds or time to get it all done so, piano, piano as we say here.

Right I'm off to get some work done, ciao!

Friday, December 10, 2010

San Vivaldo (Video)

Today had an amazing ride out to San Vivaldo, through the forest again. Managed not to get lost at all today, so that was a bonus! Had some good company today; Elsa & Chief the trotter. We rode through the Pian delle Querce to the monastery of San Vivaldo, which is known as the Jerusalem of Tuscany. The place had such an eerie serenity to it, it was quite surreal. Sharing the peace and quiet of the forest, and then ending up in a man made area of peace was just perfect. Coming back to Iano we also managed to have a good gallop across a field which the horses really seemed to enjoy (and the riders too of course!). Hope you enjoy the video!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Trail Riding Through the Iano Forest (Video)

Just a quick update; had a great ride out today with Ruby, she seems to enjoy the longer ride outs much more than the short ones. It really feels as if she enjoys exploring new places, don't know if that is a trait you can attribute to horses, but if it is she's in the right job!

I was intending just to do a quick hour and a half to Pietrina and back, but we were both enjoying ourselves so we decided to carry on. Ended up getting quite lost in the woods a few times as I tried to find some new trails, but it's all in the name of adventure. In the end we got back on the Pian delle Querce trail and came out of the woods at San Vivaldo, although I did have to flag down a passing truck driver at one point to ask him where we were!

It was such a lovely day for riding that I wanted to take some photographs, but Camera (have decided it is no longer just 'the camera' as it has such an interesting personality it shall hereby be known as Camera) was quite against the idea, so I took a little video on my phone, unfortunately the quality is awful but I think you can get an idea of why we decided to stay out longer on the trail!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Highs and Lows of Today

Today was certainly a day of ups and downs; let me take you through it.

Was rudely awoken at 6.20am by little Lizzie barking at me to wake up. I was quite annoyed. After about ten minutes the barking drove me nuts and I got out of my lovely toasty warm bed, threw on a pair of jogging bottoms, trainers with no socks, I just grabbed my coat when....she widdled on the floor. Great.

Then as I opened to door and ventured outside, I saw it was going to be a glorious day. I decided I would take advantage of the good weather and ride to Pietrina and get some photographs from that infamous view, if my camera is having a good day.

Unfortunately camera was having an off day so I left it at home and made my way to the yard with the doggies in tow. As I was approaching the arena I noticed two people and some dogs. I thought they were tourists out with their dog, and thought maybe they were looking to ride. Alas, this was not the case. They were hunters. Guns at the ready and really quite annoyed at my yappy little dog for disturbing them and their dogs, I didn't realise it was Saturday today. The weekend is packed full of hunters (as we are next to the game reserve), there goes my plans of riding to Pietrina. Not because I'm afraid my horse might bolt at the gunshots, the dogs or the fleeing 'cinghiale' (wild boar), but because I'm afraid they might shoot us. And it's true, they might.

Turned Ruby out in her new paddock which she seems to be enjoying, even saw her do three strides of canter, bless her. The sun was still shining and lovely Elsa was at the yard and kindly gave me a lift back home in the truck. I didn't fancy walking past those guns again! Taking advantage of the good weather I decided to do some work in the garden, as it really was warm. I was too hot sitting down in my jacket; it's almost December! I hope it stays like this (no chance!). Also, camera decided it might be a good day after all, bonus!

Got back to the yard this afternoon to find Ruby had escaped her paddock. I checked the fence, all seems fine, electric is working (ouch!), so I can only imagine that she got frightened by the hunters and made a bid for home, sorry I mean hay, as thats where she was of course, munching away. Can't imagine that she jumped out, she must have gone under the fence. Poor girl, deciding to get electrocuted rather than face the scarey men. Don't blame her at all to be honest.

As she was in I decided to go for a ride out. Didn't make it to Pietrina as by now the hunt was in full swing at Palagio (on the way to Pietrina). I used the oppurtunity to do a bit of schooling though, as Ruby still cant get the idea that she has to walk on the right side of the road. It must be a little confusing for her, having been taught to walk on the left before, but it shouldn't be too hard to grasp as she was only broken in for about a month before I started riding her. Joy of joys however we did get some walk on the right side of the road, and she is definitely responding much better to the aid 'move over'! I wonder why, is it because it's all I ever seem to ask her!

Also saw a young deer in the road on the way home, just milling about. Tried to take a photo as he was there for a while but alak, alas, camera's 'zoom' function seems to have given up the ghost.

Managed to make it home without being shot anyway, we shall see what tomorrow brings.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

You do, Voodoo?

It was only last week I thought the Voodoo curse may have been lifted; oh how wrong can you be?

Unfortunately, the bay mare who was coming over from Ireland, Ballincurry Lady, had an accident on the morning of her due departure date and sadly had to be put to sleep.

I feel terribly guilty about this, even though I wasn't there, if I hadn't asked for her to be sent over she would most likely be fine right about now. I know it's not actually my fault, but can you see where I'm coming from with this? Honestly, it really got me down when I heard about it. I'm not a softie at all when it comes to horses, you have to be practical with them, but that news really upset me.

Then there is Wilma; still stuck in Arezzo due to the ongoing problems with her passport. Tell me, if a passport is going to expire within the next three months of it being issued, why would you let me pay €150 for it!? The thing is, it's not even about the money now, it's the inconvenience, I need the horse here, now, no in fact, last month! I bought the horse at the start of October, it's now almost December. If I'd known all these problems would occur I would have kept my cash and said I'll pay you when you deliver it! I think I'll be doing that next time, lesson learnt I believe.

On a high note, I have almost finished building the winter paddock, yay! And the hay should be arriving this week. Not that I've got any horses to eat it mind....
At least someone is content....Ruby with the farmhouse in the background

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Paddock Javelin

Today I decided it was high time that I did some work; so I dismantled Ruby's paddock and rebuilt it where there is some good grass. This is quite a boring job as anyone will tell you, so decided to have a game of 'paddock javelin'. Please don't try this at home kids! In any case I was a bit rubbish, think the furthest I threw a post was about 10 metres!
Paddock Javelin!
Then I had to be a grown up, so I built a lovely new paddock where theres lots of yummy grass and a wonderful view (not that she will appreciate it I'm sure).
So new paddock all built, tomorrow she can go out in that one and more good news; Bay mare has her passport and (fingers crossed) will be arriving this weekend! Wilma is also one step closer to arriving in her new home as the ministry vet has said she can travel as long as the passport has been paid for (most important) and application sent off. Is the Voodoo curse weakening? Hmmm, I'm not holding my breath to find out!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Tuscany in November

View from Pietrina towards Volterra
 Went on a nice relaxing ride out with The Roobster today; skies weren't as clear as the past couple of days but still warm and as yet no rain (thankfully!). Ruby did make me laugh though; we were accosted by pheasants, we waded through rivers, we navigated through the deep, dark, spooky woods, we even had the pleaseure of a deer jumping out in front of us, but did that horse bat an eyelid? You have got to be joking. Then all of a sudden, out of seemingly nowhere there appeared the most terrifying thing imaginable....a man in a tree picking olives! Oh the horror! Silly bloody horse. Anyway, enjoy the pics taken today (with my semi-functioning camera.)

That huge hill in the background is where you'll find Volterra!

A bit blurry, but I like it

On our way to get lost in the woods....

Amazing views from Pietrina across towards Volterra

Great gallop track right by here

Bit of a wonky moment!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Pics from November

Wow! What a beautiful day we had yesterday....the sun was 'cracking the flags' as my nan would say! Went out for a lovely ride around the Soiano vineyards with Jess and her friend, took my camera to get some lovely shots over the valley and guess what....my bloody camera wasn't working! Couldn't believe it. Then on arrival at the yard, I took it out my pocket again to have a look at it and guess what, it was working again. Hmmm, there seem to be some evil forces at work here, I mean, it seems I am constantly getting back luck. Horses having problems with their passports, guests not turning up, mysterious camera breakage and fixage within an hour. Could it be Voodoo?

Anyway, I have now uploaded a few pics below of the yard and the gorgeous Ruby. Enjoy!

We arrive home, camera works. Perfect!

Nice clean horse; amazing view

View over our land and beyond

View from the little lake to the farmhouse & Iano

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What a Let Down

Well now, boy do I feel a fool. The first booking for La Fiaba turned into our first 'no show'. Yep, that's right, they didn't even bother turning up!

I can't even look on the brightside, I've got 36 bales of hay arriving anyday now and no money left! I'm living in the middle of nowhere and don't even have a car or any heating in the house! These are two things that are stressing me out big time. The shop in the village doesn't even sell mobile phone credit (however you can buy a pair of earrings)! I'm really starting to wonder if I've done the right thing, this is such a huge project to take on when you have got money in your pocket, but when you haven't got a bean it's really quite scarey!

Another thing that happened is yet another problem with another horse's documents. Seriously, I feel like saying just forget it all. So now I have to get on a bus from here to Montaione, wait 2 hours there for the next bus to take me to Castelfiorentino, get the train to Florence, then back on another train to Arezzo, a bus to Castiglion Fibocchi, get the horse's documents that have expired, find the office where I can renew the passport (don't even know where that is!), then it's the loooong journey back home. Che stress!

Ok, time to calm down. Aside from the no money, the no show and going stir crazy from being by myself; I'm really happy with the new horse; Ruby. She is a star. Went out for a (very wet) ride this morning and she's great. Forward going, easy to turn and stop etc. She seems to enjoy our little adventures! Just wish the weather was a little better as I'd really like to do a lot more exploring. I was thinking to ride up to Pietrina and get some photos for the website; but little point when the whole of Chianti just looks grey and miserable!

So now what? Well I'm still out there, trying to plug my new business to anyone and everyone who will listen! Anyone here fancy coming riding? Horses are great but the owner is crazy! Well, she must be for taking on this project, right?

Monday, November 1, 2010

Quick Update

Well it seems we have our first booking at La Fiaba, hooray! Ok it's for one night and just one half a day riding out, but hey, it's a start right?

So what does that mean for us? Crazy preparations in order; I have to get out on my new mare and get riding her around, she's really quiet but she's also really green so I need to get educating her. I'm hoping she will be good as my lead horse, so then I can put my guest on Wilma, as I know her really well. You could put your baby or your granny on Wilma and not have to worry, she's a star! Then again if this lady wants to ride in a western saddle, Ruby is going to be better, as I think the western saddle we have will be too big for Wilma. Hmmm, will have to see.

I'm also still learning the routes, in fact, I don't know any routes as yet except for the ones I've seen on a map so er, I really had better get out there and riding eh?!

Then there is the accommodation to prepare, a welcome email to write for the guests and the payment to organise; how should I go about taking the payment? Is it worth taking a deposit for such a small sum?

All this in less than a week. Yes, the horse riding holidays in Tuscany dream has begun, but it now seems to have left me behind a little....help!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

A Call to All

La Fiaba began as a dream when I was just a little girl; what horse mad little girl doesn't dream of running her own horse riding centre? Fianlly now, after years of hard work, scrimping and saving, gaining experience and confidence in my abilities, here I am. Ready to take the plunge? Er, ask me later!

So far I think I have managed to accomplish a lot, considering I have had about a month to get the whole thing set up I have;

4 horses (although one of them is still in Ireland!)
A riding centre with 8 boxes and 200 hectacres
1 fenced in paddock (hey, it was the first fence I built, and it works!)
3 sets of tack
A rather groovy website
A cute logo
A place to live (nearly forgot about that one!)
A few advertisements

What's left to do?
Bring over 2 of my horses
Buy a car (really difficult when you have zero cash!)
Make some more paddocks
Move there! (even more difficult without said car OR cash)
Get some customers!!

And that's the thing right there isn't it? You could have the riding centre of the gods, with unicorns to ride and an arena made of gold dust but unless you get people in riding there isn't much point is there? I think I have a good business model, nice horses in the most beautiful place I have ever seen, I am a good teacher, my partner an amazing chef, the accommodation incredible, the pool just wow, more facilities than you could shake twenty sticks at, but after two weeks online not a single enquiry. And that really makes me sad. And incredibly nervous.

So if you are reading this and you feel like making your opinion known you could do a very nervous lady a huge service by checking out her horse riding centre in Tuscany (ok, you can do it online, unless you happen to be in the area of course!) and leaving some comments below. Grazie!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Welcome to La Fiaba, the fairytale horse riding holiday experience in Tuscany.

We have created this blog in order to share with you our ideas of horsemanship and horse care, to give you more of an idea how is life on horseback in Tuscany, and to update you with news from our horse riding centre in Chianti.

Here at La Fiaba we believe in the classical method of horsemanship and we train our horses accordingly. Classical does not mean we are stuck in the past; far from it. A good horseman or woman is always learning, we learn from each horse we ride as much as we learn from new philosophies and scientific understanding. However, the classical method of riding has been around for millenia for a good reason; it works for the horse as much as it works for the rider. It is not a quick fix or a fashion, it is a time honoured method of training horse and rider for life. With a good understanding of these methods and why we use them, new ideas can be incorporated where appropriate.

Classical horsemanship is as valid when riding out as in the school
We also asipre to allow our horses the 'Five Freedoms' of animal welfare which are;
  • Freedom from hunger and thirst: Our horses always have access to fresh water when stables and when in the field. We construct an individual nutrition plan for each horse which takes into account it's age, height, build and workload and we feed accordingly. We always feed the best quality food possible and try to make sure our horses' diets consist of at least 80% forage (e.g. grass and hay) and they get succulents (e.g. carrots and apples) every day.
  • Freedom from discomfort: Our horses are given indoor shelter to protect them from the heat of the sun and the flies in summer, and when turned out in cold or wet weather are given appropriate rugs if needed. Tack is checked daily to ensure it is still fitting correctly and horses are shod when required. If we know that something causes our horses physical or mental pain or distress we avoid this as much as is practical.
  • Freedom from pain, injury and disease: Our horses have a wonderful, experienced, qualified vet and farrier. We check our horses every day for any subtle signs of pain, injury or illness. We are qualified in equine first aid.
  • Freedom to express normal behaviour: Our horses have access to 200 hectacres of turnout all year round. We try to let them live in small herds when appropriate, but we respect that all horses are individuals and some horses may prefer to be solitary, or just the company of one particular other horse. Our horses are given at least one day off every week (which is more than we get =) ) to allow them to relax and recover from their week of work, and to 'be a horse'.
Our horses are given plenty of time to relax in their fields.

We want our horses to enjoy being with us as much as we enjoy to be with them. Our horse riding holidays are designed with both the horse and rider in mind. For more information regarding our horse riding holidays in Tuscany, our riding lessons, theory lessons or groundwork please contact us or view our website.

Please feel free to add your relevant comments below. Thank you!